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A Guide to Freelance Writing: Getting a Stable Position

Freelance writing positions offer endless opportunities for both amateur and experienced writers. If you like writing and want to get a stable job, you should keep several important moments in mind. They are:

  1. Market yourself efficiently.
  2. You should understand that there are many writers, who want to get freelance jobs, so you should be ready to compete for possibilities. To do so, you need to market yourself and promote your skills and experience. It makes sense to create a personal website or start a blog where you post your CV, sample works, a list of completed projects, employers’ feedbacks, etc. You should demonstrate that you like writing and can provide high quality works keeping client’s requirements in mind.

  3. Learn about the potential employers.
  4. In many cases, freelance writes contact the HR departments of companies they would like to work for. This requires some homework, as you have to search for potential employers, find their contacts, write cover letters, and make your CV meet special requirements. Do not forget to send your sample works, along with other documents. Freelancers look for job opportunities constantly, so spend some time and update your website and social media profiles regularly.

  5. Volunteer for a social project.
  6. Many employers appreciate when their employees volunteer for a charity or social projects. If you are an amateur writer, you can create a strong portfolio by working for a non-profit organization. You can edit its educational materials, proofread the website, or write news about its activities. The more writing practice you have, the better your skills become. Additionally, you should develop your contact network, as it helps to stay busy and find new exciting job positions.

  7. Consider boring tasks.
  8. It makes sense to accept boring assignments to get a stable position. Though it is great to have challenging projects in your portfolio, employers usually need some simple content; including trade magazine articles, press releases, brochures, technical manuals, and white papers. Do not try to find a perfect job; it is better to earn more money doing regular tasks.

  9. Develop your writing abilities.
  10. It is a good idea to study writing manuals, find useful grammar and spelling textbooks, read how-to articles, and take online English courses. After you improve your skills, you can develop your CV and look for better-paid positions. Companies are looking for writers who can deliver high quality content as fast as possible, so you should also work on your time-management and organizational skills.


Professional Aspects Of Freelance Writing Career