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Common Challenges and Pitfalls in Freelance Speech Writing Jobs

When writing for a specific purpose or field, you learn the in’s and out’s of that specific subject. You are able to see what works and what doesn’t—learning by trial and error. You are able to perfect your writing. Each type of writing will have its own set of common challenges and pitfalls , but each of these issues can be easily combatted if we remain mindful writers. Look below to discover the common issues found when working on a freelance speech writing job.

Knowing Your Speaker

Part of writing a successful speech is having a great level of understand of the speaker and his or her intentions, message, and/or overall demeanor. Knowing these things about the rhetorician will allow you to create the best possible oratory deliveries. Working remotely can put a limitation on your ability to personally familiarize yourself with the client, but there are some methods you can use to prepare yourself for the project. You can meet your client through video chat, as well as consult any company materials, descriptions, or briefs available. The more information you are provided with, the more personalized the speech will be, and this will have a direct effect on affectivity.

Listening to Edit

Now that you feel you have a good understanding of the speaker and his or her intentions, you will begin writing. Once you have drafted the speech several times, compared notes with the client, and feel it is polished for delivery—you will want to hear the oration delivered. Working remotely may make this more difficult, as rhetoric is not only about the writing but also the way it sounds and is time. It is a coming together of many elements that must be witnessed for optimum editing. Find a way to watch your client deliver the speech via video chat to make final tweaks.

Managing Your Time

Working freelance, for any kind of work, requires stringent time management. Your client gives you a project delivery date, and this must be met. Make sure that you build in plenty of time for editing and final polishing.

The art of speech and rhetoric is something that you usually want to hear and see. Working as a freelancer may make hearing and seeing more difficult for you—in order to have the best possible editing process and overall success. There are some easy ways to combat these issues if you put yourself to it!


Professional Aspects Of Freelance Writing Career
