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Where to Look for Well-Paid Freelance Academic Writing Jobs

Freelance academic writers compose and write academic papers for students and other people. Their services are rather expensive, because they include much research and writing. It’s not easy to be a freelance academic writer, but if you’re confident in your talents and skills you may start your own career. Here are the tips for what you need to start your career and where to find first jobs.

  1. Improve your academic writing skills.
  2. You should be an expert in academic writing. Do your best when studying at the university when it comes to research papers. You may also help your fellow students to gain more experience and skills. Attend special courses to perfect your skills.

  3. Start your portfolio.
  4. To write your first papers for the portfolio you’ll probably need to work on a voluntary basis first. Nobody will pay you if you cannot confirm your professionalism with successful examples. Find writing centers in your town and approach them offering your services for free. In this way you’ll be able to start your portfolio and learn the basic nuances of working with clients.

  5. Create a website.
  6. Having written a few good papers you should create a professional website. Leave your small biography, state your services, leave your contacts, and post your previous works as examples. Link your site to your accounts on social networks in order to make more people notice it. This will help you attract potential clients without a need to contact them personally.

  7. Find your niche.
  8. It’s advisable to write academic papers on topics that you know very well. For example, if you have a degree in biology, it’ll be much easier for you to do research and write on biological topics. In this way you’ll be able to write papers of excellent quality using less time. You may demand extra payment for such services.

  9. Contact online academic writing companies.
  10. Make a list of reliable academic writing websites with which you’d like to work. Contact them, give them links to your site, and offer your services. Such companies often use freelance writers, so if they like your works, you’re likely to get job offers from them. If your first works written for them will meet their requirements, this might grow to the beneficial cooperation in the future.

  11. Offer your services to writing centers.
  12. You may approach writing centers once again. However, know you should demand payment for your services, because you have enough experience and skills to write papers of much better quality.


Professional Aspects Of Freelance Writing Career
