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What Are The Main Opportunities For A Freelance Writer: 5 Things You Must Know

There are countless opportunities for freelance writers, especially with all the content websites that are popping up. However, if you want to create a successful career out of it, there are a few things to keep in mind. This excellent list of important things you need to know about the main opportunities for freelance writers should get you started.

Start small

If you’re new to the world of freelance writing, don’t be put off by the idea of starting with smaller jobs. You don’t have to start off doing enormous projects for massive fees. Realistically, you first need to build a great reputation for yourself before you’ll start getting fantastic projects. Initially, do any projects you can get, as long as you’re not being cheated or scammed. Have a look at some of the larger content websites that offer more general projects, and start with those.


One great way to earn a living as a freelance writer is by blogging. You could try writing your own blog, or perhaps ghost blog for someone else. You can check some of the content websites to find some wonderful blogging projects to get you started.

Specialist projects

As in any career, specialists get paid more than non-specialists. For this reason, finding an area to specialise in is a great way to find opportunities as a freelance writer. Everyone has something they’re good at, so find your area of expertise. To do this, you can have a good look at your hobbies, any qualifications you may have, and your previous work experience. Once you’ve found your niche, start marketing yourself as a specialist in that area.


The market for authors of e-books is growing at a striking rate, so this is an excellent way to earn a living. You can look on some of the major content websites to find projects to ghost write. Alternatively, you could write your very own e-book.

Your own website

Once you’ve started to build a fantastic reputation for yourself, you can create your own website to advertise your work. Be sure to include your skills, experience, education, and your area of expertise on your site. And don’t forget to add a few small samples of your work. It may be worth hiring a professional to build your website, as this will most likely be the easiest way to create a very professional platform to advertise your services.


Professional Aspects Of Freelance Writing Career
